Be Careful with Micro Swimsuits

  Even though men’s micro swimsuits are gaining quite the following these days, there are a few reasons that you will want to be quite careful when wearing them. First of all, you must always keep in mind just how small these swimsuits are. Remember, they are not called micros for nothing. There is barely enough …

Micro Swimsuits for a New Impressive Look

  The first thing I realized about wearing micro swimsuits is the fact that my cock looked huge in them. I don’t normally have that large of a cock but, once I slipped into that micro; it was as if a giant anaconda had slinked its way into them. Okay, it wasn’t that big, but …

Tips for Wearing Micro Swimsuits

    For any guy who is looking to wear micro swimsuits in public; you should probably think of what you are going to be getting into before you take that final step. Not only are you going to be walking around in an extremely small swimsuit, but you are going to be showing off …

Getting Comfortable in Micro Swimsuits

  I love wearing micro men’s swimsuits, but there are some people that just don’t get it. They think that I am out trolling for them or something, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. You guys have to understand that just because a guy loves wearing something like this; it doesn’t mean that we want …

Testing the Waters with Micro Swimsuits

  I tried wearing a micro swimsuit to the beach one time, and it didn’t go over too well. It wasn’t that I didn’t look good in my micro because I most certainly did. But the people that were on the beach had never seen anything like that before when it came to swimwear. I …

Ways for Obese Men to Wear Micro Swimsuits

  Almost everyone who has ever seen grossly overweight men wearing micro swimsuits know that this is not a sight for most people. In fact, a visual experience such as this might just scar someone for life. Therapists have most likely made quite a bit of money off of patients that have been exposed to …

Be Smart about Wearing Micro Swimsuits

  When it comes to wearing micro swimsuits, men should be smart about it. There are a lot of rules that tend to come along with wearing something of this nature and you need to be aware of just what they are before prancing outside in one of these tiny suits. For one thing, you …

Micro Swimsuits for Confident Men

  If you are familiar what micro swimsuits actually are, then you probably understand that only the most confident of men can successfully wear them. The men that you will see strutting along the water’s edge at the beach in these swimsuits are most likely in top physical shape and have invested in some sort …

Micro Swimsuits for Exceptionally Endowed Men

  Micro swimsuits have been gaining in popularity in recent years. More and more men all over the world are indulging in this type of swimwear. Those men that already resemble Greek gods have been appearing in public for a very long time while wearing these tiny swimsuits. They know that they look awesome and …