Have the Sense to Know if You Can Wear Micro Swimsuits

  Micro swimsuits are right up there with other tiny swimwear such as thongs, G-strings and pouches. Their size is the main reason that men who decide to wear such swimsuits should be positive that their bodies are pretty close to perfect. Some men can get by with decent bodies as long as they do …

Objections to Micro Swimsuits

  I have always had a problem with wearing micro swimsuits. I love the designs and everything but I just cannot seem to fit inside them the way that I should. Every time I sit down in one of these micros, I end up slipping out of one side or the other. It’s not that …

Loving those Micro Swimsuits

  If you want a swimsuit that will show off your body in ways you can’t imagine, then you need to try on some micro swimsuits. Now these are the types of swimsuits that you are not going to be able to try on at a store. In fact, you probably are not going to …

Getting into Micro Swimsuits

  I have just recently been turned on to these micro swimsuits and find them to be the most amazing swimsuit that I have ever worn. I saw a guy wearing one on the beach not too long ago and had to ask him what it was as I had never seen anything like that …

Micro Swimsuits are not for Shy Men

  If you are familiar with micro swimsuits and understand what they are, you already know that they are tiny swimsuits that cover very little of the male body. They probably only have a fraction of a yard of material to make each one so you can understand why only men who are in good …

Caution with Micro Swimsuits

  I love wearing my micro swimsuits but I have to be real careful about the designs that I select. I am one of those guys that have been blessed with a rather large cock and some of the micro designs that are available on the market are not made for guys like me. I …

Tips for Wearing Micro Swimsuits

  Micro swimsuits are among the tiniest ones available on the market these days. While not as small as the G-string styles, thongs or pouches; they are definitely smaller than bikinis, briefs, and surfer shorts. It takes a man in very good physical shape to successfully pull off wearing these swimsuits if he wants to …

Micro Swimsuits to Get Yourself Noticed

  How many guys have heard of micro swimsuits? Even more important, how many of those men actually wear them to their favorite swimming and tanning venue? The truth is that there are too many members of the male population who lack the confidence to wear micros out in public where they can be seen …

The Growing Popularity of Micro Swimsuits

  Micro swimsuits are a part of a growing significant number of swimwear for men. These are tiny swimsuits that show even more bare skin than bikinis but not quite as much as Gstrings. They caught on many years ago and have remained in the public eye ever since. Granted, there will always be those …

Micro Swimsuits are at their Prime

  The time for the popularity of micro swimsuits has arrived with plenty of fanfare going before it announcing that these are quite possibly the swimsuits of the future as well as the present. These amazing swimsuits are exactly as their name implies: micro. They manage to fall somewhere between the bikini style and the …