Micro Swimsuits are at their Prime


The time for the popularity of micro swimsuits has arrived with plenty of fanfare going before it announcing that these are quite possibly the swimsuits of the future as well as the present. These amazing swimsuits are exactly as their name implies: micro. They manage to fall somewhere between the bikini style and the thong style in that they do show off a lot of bare skin but they also conceal more than the thong although they display more than the bikini. Men who have decided to give these swimsuits a try have only positive things to say about them and are quite proud to wear them at their favorite swimming venues.

Obviously, micro swimsuits are not made for all men. There will always be those guys who simply cannot give up their constant beer swilling and junk food snacking. So their bodies are not going to be up to par when it comes to wearing a micro. On the other hand, for those men who view their bodies as temples; nothing could be more flattering and positive attention gathering than micro swimwear. The micro is made for these guys in order for them to show off their hard work in displaying their near perfect bodies. Nothing is more flattering to these men than micros.

Men who truly care about how they look and about keeping a healthy, fit body will gravitate to micro swimsuits like bees to honey. They know what the micros can do for them and they want to have a taste of that body image worship. It is not uncommon for men in the healthy lifestyle to own several micros because they want to always have one of these amazing swimsuits on hand for any sun and fun occasion. These are also perfect to wear when attending one of those swimsuit parties that have become so popular over the last few years. No one will be able to outshine those guys who are sporting micros. If you do not believe that; give it a try and find out for yourself.


Are You Brave Enough to Wear Micro Swimsuits


Micro swimsuits are not as intimidating as something such as Gstrings, but they do require a bit of self-confidence to successfully wear out in public. There is definitely more material to the micros than Gstrings but not a lot. Micros certainly cover much more than a pouch swimsuit, for example. Those little things cover nothing other than the family jewels. So you can see why there are other swimsuits that take more courage to slip into and head out onto a public swimming venue. Guys need to be in decent shape physically before they go walking around mostly naked, showing off their bare bodies to complete strangers. If they are not in good shape, they can expect to be ridiculed.


The question that men must deal with when it comes to wearing micro swimsuits is whether or not they are brave enough to give it a try. There are some ways to help make this decision although there are many men who are just too shy to wear anything that shows off too much skin even though they may have a body that is just fine for other people to see. The first thing to do is strip down to nothing and stand in front of a full length mirror. Take a good long, honest look in that mirror and think about what you see there. Is it a body decent enough to wear a micro? It is very true that you might have a decent body that needs little to no work at all. On the other hand, you might have one of those bodies that need some help.

If you have some excess weight you are carrying around, it is time to do something about that before wearing micro swimsuits. Check into workout programs that target your problem areas on your body. Find a healthy diet that will help you to eat in the right way that will get your body in good shape. Contact a local gym and talk to a trainer to see if you need a little extra help in looking great enough to wear a micro. Once you get the opinion of someone you trust and that person says you look pretty good in that micro; there is no reason to be nervous about wearing one of these swimsuits in public. Besides, after you make that first trip out in your micro; you will be perfectly fine in knowing that you are getting some very admiring looks from the strangers who are gazing at you.

Micro Swimsuits for Larger Guys


I have seen some pretty small micro swimsuits lately and it has made me curious as to what it would be like to wear something of that nature. I’m not the type of guy who would normally be seen walking down the beach in anything other than jeans and a shirt but something about these micro designs has really grabbed my attention. I don’t know if it is the design itself or how sexy the guys wearing them look, but something has caught my eye and I just cannot seem to shake it. I didn’t even know swimwear like this existed until just recently and now they seem to be everywhere I look.

I have performed some online searches for micro swimsuits and found that a lot of guys love wearing them. The only problem I have with them is that I don’t think they make any in my size. All the pictures I have seen of these guys make me think that they are all models or something. Even the guys that I have seen walking down the beach seem to be in much better shape than I am. I want to try them out, but I don’t want to upset anyone that might not like what they see when I walk by.

I know that I can buy a couple micro swimsuits and wear them around the house, but I really want to show them off to other people. I guess I should at least try them out first, though, and wearing them around the house would be a good way of doing that. This way I can see what I look like in them before scaring all the poor people at the beach. All I will need to do is find a site that will have these designs in my size so that I can finally try one on and see if they make me feel that way I am hoping they do. After that, it will all be downhill.


Micro Swimsuits Just Because You Can


Micro swimsuits have become more popular with each passing year. Men have even started to take better care of their bodies so that they appear fit and sexy enough to wear these tiny swimsuits. Make no mistake; the only types of bodies that should ever attempt to wear micros out in public must be fit enough to pass as an Adonis. No one wants to see an obese man trying to pull off wearing a micro. They really do not want to see the highly unattractive flab bouncing around while also covering up the micro. There really is not that much material involved that it would even be seen when excess body fat is hanging over it.

The thing that the fit and hot men need to understand is that they have a duty to wear micro swimsuits. There is not a person on the planet who would not thrill to the sight of a great body that is mostly naked. Seriously, if you are one of those men with a hot body; you need to be wearing micros just because you can. There is no explanation needed. Not that anyone will ask you why you are wearing such a revealing swimsuit when you look so god-like. In fact, if you look great enough, people will probably not be able to do anything except possibly drool over your body. At any rate, micros are definitely made to be worn by the men who stop traffic with their hotness.

Have a look in a full-length mirror while you try on your various micro swimsuits so that you can see what others appreciate when they look at you. It will prove to you just how much joy and excitement that you are bringing to the public when you appear out in the open while wearing one of these. In fact, it would be considered to be cruel if you withhold all of that personal beauty and refuse to share it by hiding it behind things like trunk style swimsuits or surfer shorts. So go ahead and put on one of your new micros and head to your favorite swimming venue. You are going to see exactly how much delight you bring to many others in the process.


Strut your Stuff in Micro Swimsuits


Micro swimsuits have evolved throughout the years into being more popular today than they ever were in the past. These small garments were not well thought of when they were first introduced to the public. In fact, most people found them offensive because of all the bare skin that they displayed on the men who were wearing them. Beaches everywhere were banning these swimsuits and men wearing them were not allowed to stay without putting on something that would cover them up a little more. If they were going to wear these tiny suits, they had to use their own backyard swimming pools or at clothing optional beaches.

Today, people are so much more open and appreciative about the beauty of the human body that micro swimsuits are not only accepted; they are encouraged. This is particularly true when men with the bodies of Adonis are wearing these swimsuits. The fact is that most people want to see as much as possible of a well-kept man. They love his muscles, six packs, and toned calves. Of course they also enjoy getting more than a peek at those tight ass cheeks because what could be more beautiful and enticing than that. It is actually swimsuits such as these that force men into taking care of their bodies as much as possible. They crave those lustful, admiring looks as they stroll across the sands.

Of course, there will always be those men who refuse to take care of themselves, no matter how they look in micro swimsuits. Sadly, it is these men that still insist on ruining the name of the micro. On some of those men, these swimsuits can barely be seen because they are covered up with so much flab and fat. No one wants to see that. So if you know you need to work on your body a little or a lot; do yourself and everyone else a favor and stay away from the micros. When you have put forth the effort and your body is something that people want to see without clothes; that is when you can slip into one of those sexy little swimsuits and anticipate some really positive attention when you hit the beach.

Pushing the Limits with Micro Swimsuits


Who would have thought that wearing something so small, like micro swimsuits, would be such a great feeling in public? I know that a lot of people would probably prefer that I didn’t wear something like this out in public but I don’t care what they think. I am more than happy to wear the smallest swimsuit I can get away with and I push that limit every day. I want to be able to basically wear nothing on the beach and still be allowed to have fun like everyone else, although I do have to pick the right beaches to do this on.


I live in an area that has numerous beaches and there are some that simply won’t allow micro swimsuits to be worn. I don’t like those beaches much because they are being overly hypocritical to say the least. I see women walking around in string bikinis all the time but they are going to have an issue with a man wearing a micro? That just doesn’t seem fair to me at all and I think we should have a million micro march to the beaches that are like that. Maybe we can change their minds if everyone on the beach is wearing a micro.

Thankfully there are beaches out there that will let guys like me push the limits of acceptable micro swimsuits though. I have a couple designs that have been frowned upon in public and some that I have actually been asked to leave because of. I like to push the envelope enough that I can gauge the reaction beforehand and try to wear something that goes beyond the frowning part but stops short of being asked to leave. I find it a rather pleasant game to play when I have nothing better to do over the weekend.

Wearing Micro Swimsuits For Attention


Wearing micro swimsuits has always been a fetish with me. I can’t tell you how many times I have braved the forces of nature in order to go out on the beach in the skimpiest micro I can find. I have gotten a lot of slack from people because of that but I don’t care. They don’t understand how exciting it is for me to wear something like this and get attention, even if it isn’t always good. Whenever people stare at me I feel like I have accomplished something that they will never even attempt to do in their lives.

Now I know there are guys out there that aren’t going to wear micro swimsuits just to get a rise out of strangers on the beach, but it is really fun. I love it when people come up and complain about what I am wearing and then threaten to tell someone and have me removed from the beach. The funny thing is that the beach I go to allows me to wear any of the micros that I have bought. I know this because I have checked to make sure that I am not going to get into any trouble for having them out in public.

The people that get upset the most about my micro swimsuits usually end up leaving after they are told that I am doing nothing wrong. I think it makes the beach a better place for everyone involved when close minded people force themselves to leave. It allows everyone else to have a better experience and I get to walk around without their negative attitude. Sometimes I feel like I am doing a public service by forcing these people to show their hands. Although they are probably pretty upset about the outcome but it serves them right as far as I am concerned.

Show Off Your Body in Micro Swimsuits


If you want to turn heads on the beach this summer, then you need some micro swimsuits to show off your body. These bad boys will have all the attention turned your way in no time. Trust me; I get people looking at me every time I walk down the beach. Sure, some of them might be wondering about what I have on and why I would decide to wear it out in public, but there are a lot of people that actually like looking at my body. The micro is the perfect instrument to use if you have a body that you want to show off, too.

Think about what these micro swimsuits could do for your social life if even one person thought you looked good in them. I have been invited to private pool parties on the coast, private beach parties, even extremely private house parties involving things I cannot really describe in public, all because of my micro swimsuit. Sometimes you have to just put yourself out there in order to find the life that you really want to be living. You cannot keep things bottled up and hidden away if you want to have fun in life.


The micro swimsuits that I like to wear are definitely not hiding anything, either. In fact, they show off pretty much everything I have to offer and that is what people like the most about them. I guess having a rather large cock does help in that regard, but I never got this kind of attention when I was wearing regular swimwear to the beach. You need to get out there and show the world that you are here for some fun and willing to take on any adventure. In order to do this; you need to take a look at the website that are selling these micros and find one that you simply cannot live without anymore. Place your order and sit back to await the arrival of your coll purchases.

Micro Swimsuits to Make You Brave


Anyone who has seen micro swimsuits knows that there is every reason in the world to need courage in order to wear one of these garments in public. Granted, micros cover more on the male body than a pouch, but there is still quite a bit to be seen. For instance, if you have never seen a micro in the past, think of it as something that would be produced if a thong and a Gstring were to have a love child. There is very little fabric involved and while your precious package is covered for the most part, a great deal of your bare ass cheeks are on display. This is the part that probably needs courage to move past it.

If you have never tried wearing micro swimsuits in the past and your body is pretty decent, there is no reason that you should not at least give it a try. Maybe you will feel rather embarrassed at first if you have always worn traditional swimsuits but there is a very easy way to start wearing them in private before you have your trial run on the beach or at a resort. All you have to do is to haul out your computer and find a high quality menswear website and browse to your heart’s content. Since it is your first outing, you may want to only order one of them just in case you do not feel brave enough to ever wear micros in public.

” No models today just me wearing a fun Koala design”


At any rate, choose the one of the micro swimsuits that seems to call to you. Then all you have to do is order it and sit back to await it to arrive at your door. Once you get it, head straight into your bedroom and strip out of your clothes so that you can slip into the brand new micro. Then take a long look at yourself in the swimsuit while standing in front of a full length mirror. Be honest with your appearance but do not be too modest, either. You are sure to have some very flattering features on your body that a micro will accentuate. All you need to do is focus on the negative traits; figure out a way to fix those while enhancing your positive ones. That will bring you all the courage you need and make you brave enough to wear a micro.

Do Not Fear Micro Swimsuits


Micro swimsuits should hold no fear for men when it comes to wearing them out in public. However, there are many guys who are terrified of these tiny swimsuits. There are many reasons for this. One can be that some men do not feel they look sexy and toned enough to walk on the beach or around a resort swimming pool in a micro while others look at them. Some men are just not comfortable enough in their own skin to pull off walking around in one of these tiny suits successfully. Instead, they will wear a more traditional style of swimsuit and deprive everyone else to see their hot bodies.

The first thing that guys need to understand about wearing micro swimsuits is that they can transform their bodies into ones that other people will want to see and drool over a bit. All you have to do is find the right healthy way of eating as well as a workable workout regimen. You do not even need a gym membership or an expensive trainer to accomplish the changes in your body that you want or need. These are both things that you can do yourself after performing some research and finding a program that you feel you can stick to and reach your goal. Keep in mind that once you have the body you can be proud of, there is no need to ever be afraid of wearing small swimsuits.

Once you have become satisfied and more comfortable with the way that your body looks, you will no longer fear micro swimsuits. Most likely, you will be proud to flaunt all of the good things that you will then have after all of your hard work. Just imagine all of those desiring and lustful looks that will be coming your way. Micros are great little swimsuits to get the kind of attention that you want and deserve. So now just wipe away that fear of showing your body in tiny swimsuits and become the man that everyone wants. It is just that simple!