Be Careful with Micro Swimsuits


Even though men’s micro swimsuits are gaining quite the following these days, there are a few reasons that you will want to be quite careful when wearing them. First of all, you must always keep in mind just how small these swimsuits are. Remember, they are not called micros for nothing. There is barely enough room in them to cover your important parts so you need to make sure that you have the right size for your body. Nothing could be worse than to get a size that is too small to contain your package. Granted, there will be plenty of people who might want to get a peek at your family jewels but those people are in the minority.

Tucking is important when you are wearing micro swimsuits, and you know what kind of tucking that means. Unless you are going to be visiting a clothing optional beach or a special sort of swimsuit party, the tucking is probably the most important part of the entire process of putting on that swimsuit. While it is perfectly fine to let your package be seen as outlined by the fabric of the micro, letting something show its pink head may not always be received well. Of course, there will always be those voyeurs who will be granted their most favorite fantasy if that happens around them. Don’t expect them to actually come up to you and say thank you, though. They like to watch in secret and don’t want to call attention to it.

Something else you need to watch when wearing micro swimsuits is taking care of unsightly excess body hair. This typically comes down to the hair growing around the base of your penis and covering a lot of your testicles. If shaving it gives you nervous shivers, there are always other methods that you can look into before bringing out the razor. There are such methods as electrolysis and waxing, although that waxing thing might be a bit too painful to use on that sensitive an area. Just experiment with some things until you find what you are most comfortable using. The end result needs to be having you look amazing. Do whatever it takes.


Micro Swimsuits for a New Impressive Look


The first thing I realized about wearing micro swimsuits is the fact that my cock looked huge in them. I don’t normally have that large of a cock but, once I slipped into that micro; it was as if a giant anaconda had slinked its way into them. Okay, it wasn’t that big, but I could definitely tell a difference in the size that I normally looked when wearing any other type of swimwear I had enjoyed in the past. Now if I could just get the courage to go out to the beach in my micro and show it off to the rest of the world; I might actually get a date or two.

Wearing my men’s micro swimsuits has proven to me that I am bigger in that area than I ever thought I was. Sure, I have had women telling me that I was just the right size, blah, blah, blah. But every guy knows that whenever a woman says that, they are just trying to be nice and not hurt your feelings because your cock is so small. Once you look down while wearing a micro, though, you might actually believe that your cock is just the right size for her after all.


I am going to get the courage up to wear one of my micro swimsuits out to the beach one of these days. I really want to see the looks on the faces of all those women that have laughed at me in the past. Well, they didn’t laugh so much as snickered whenever I walked by them. I know they were thinking that I had a tiny little cock that would never please them. But with it looking so much bigger in my micro, I am sure that their heads would turn a couple of times and I would at least get a smile or two in the process. Or I might just ignore them for being so rude to me in the past.

Tips for Wearing Micro Swimsuits



For any guy who is looking to wear micro swimsuits in public; you should probably think of what you are going to be getting into before you take that final step. Not only are you going to be walking around in an extremely small swimsuit, but you are going to be showing off parts of your body to complete strangers that you might not show off to your own family. Now there are guys in the world that have no issues with doing things like this, but there are a lot of guys that will have major problems with gathering up the courage to do something like that. There are also men who would have a lot of issues with being made to look at something of this nature.

Don’t feel upset if you are having problems with showing your body off in micro swimsuits to the public. I felt like that for a very long time even though I really wanted to wear my micros out to the beach. It took me a few months before I was comfortable enough to go out into my back yard wearing something like this without feeling like I was being stared at by everyone. Now I can go out in a micro and have no issues if people want to stare at me. I just think they are looking at how sexy I am and becoming jealous because they aren’t wearing a micro.


Another thing you need to remember about wearing micro men’s swimsuits is the amount of body hair that you have. Some guys look really good with body hair and others don’t. This is even truer when you are wearing something like one of these micros. Not only does it show off your body hair, but it shows off sections of hair that you probably weren’t even aware of half the time. I would suggest a good waxing a couple of days before going off to the beach just to make sure you are looking your absolute best that day.

Getting Comfortable in Micro Swimsuits


I love wearing micro men’s swimsuits, but there are some people that just don’t get it. They think that I am out trolling for them or something, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. You guys have to understand that just because a guy loves wearing something like this; it doesn’t mean that we want to have sex with you. If that was the case, we would wear the same thing you are wearing and hit you up in a bar or something. I just want to go out and get some sun like everyone else is doing while wearing a micro.


The good news is that there are beaches nearby that have a lot of guys walking around in micro swimsuits so I don’t have to worry all that much about people getting paranoid over what I am wearing. Of course, it also means that some of those guys see me in a micro and immediately come over to get to know me. Some of them want to have sex and some of them just want to talk about our micros. So far I have been really good at distinguishing the two and can usually cut them off before the conversation becomes a bit awkward for both of us.

The main reason I enjoy my micro swimsuits is that I get a better tan than by wearing anything else. For anyone that is looking to get a great tan; it is important to be comfortable with what you are wearing, and I am extremely comfortable in my micros. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be walking around in public with them on. But it also means that the people I am around all the time have to be comfortable with what I am wearing as well. If they aren’t comfortable, then I tend to feel a bit out of place and that makes my afternoon at the beach rather fun less for me.

Testing the Waters with Micro Swimsuits


I tried wearing a micro swimsuit to the beach one time, and it didn’t go over too well. It wasn’t that I didn’t look good in my micro because I most certainly did. But the people that were on the beach had never seen anything like that before when it came to swimwear. I was only on the beach for about five minutes before people around me started to complain about what I was wearing. At first, I was scared that I was going to get arrested or something, but it turned out that it was perfectly legal for me to wear that micro on that particular beach.

That didn’t stop all the people from telling me that I needed to change out of my micro swimsuits and into something more appropriate, though. Even after the cops came up and told them that there was nothing they could do about me wearing a micro in public, the people still didn’t think I should be allowed to walk down the beach. A part of me can understand why they would feel that way, but it still isn’t right for them to assume there is something wrong with me because I like wearing a micro.


I haven’t worn my men’s micro swimsuits to the beach since that day although I am hoping that I will be able to again someday. I know people aren’t used to seeing things like this; at least where I live they aren’t. However, it won’t be too long before these micros are all the rage. Until then, I will have to settle for wearing other types of swimwear to the beach; swimsuits that people are going to accept no matter how awful I feel they make me look. But once I start seeing other guys wearing micros, I am going right back out there in one of mine so that I can finally enjoy the sun the way I have always wanted to.

Trying Out Micro Swimsuits


If you think your swimsuit might be too small to take out to the beach, then you haven’t seen the micro swimsuits that are all the rage these days. I have seen plenty of guys walking around in these things and it amazes me that someone on this planet decided to create a design like this. I would have been afraid that no one would ever wear something this small and that would have been the end of my business. But apparently, these micros are so exciting that I hardly ever see guys wearing traditional swimwear anymore. At least not around where I live. It might be different for you if you live in a small town somewhere.

I am sure that not all men throughout the world are wearing micro swimsuits or even know what they are. However, the guys in my area seem to have gotten the memo about them. I saw a whole group of guys wearing them just the other day and it made me think that I might be missing out on something here. I would never wear something that small to the beach, but I don’t think I would mind wearing one in the bedroom for that special someone in my life. In fact, that is the reason that I went ahead and bought one in the first place.

I can understand why guys love wearing these micro swimsuits although you really have to have a decent body for them. I look decent in mine, but I know that I would probably upset a lot of people by wearing it out in public. I’m not overweight or anything, but I’m not exactly all that fit, either. I would definitely have to spend some time at the gym in order to feel comfortable wearing a micro in public. I’m pretty sure that is what the guys around here do on a regular basis, too, as they look awesome in their micros.

Ways for Obese Men to Wear Micro Swimsuits


Almost everyone who has ever seen grossly overweight men wearing micro swimsuits know that this is not a sight for most people. In fact, a visual experience such as this might just scar someone for life. Therapists have most likely made quite a bit of money off of patients that have been exposed to such a horrifying sight. You might wonder how it is that so many obese men are seen in public wearing a micro. The simple fact is that many of these men do not consider themselves to be unattractive. If you can reach back into your memory a bit, you might remember the character of Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers movie. A more disgusting creature never existed, yet he continued to remind everyone around him that he was “dead sexy.”


So, for all of those morbidly obese men out there who are determined to wear micro swimsuits, you should know that there are options for you that allow you to feel that you are sexy while also protecting the public at large from having their eyeballs seared with a nightmarish image. One of those options that is highly recommended is wearing these micros in your own bedroom. It is possible that your partner is quite taken with larger men and would love nothing more than to see you in something of this nature. Dance and prance around your very own boudoir all you want! This lets you have some fun while giving the rest of the world a break.

Another option for wearing micro swimsuits when you are so huge that you should never be seen even partially nude in public is to simply use them as underwear. Just imagine how much fun it would be to walk around on the city streets and in your office knowing that you are wearing these naughty little garments. The best part is that no one will ever know! Now, doesn’t that go a long way to keeping both you and other easily offended people happy? In this way, you can wear your micros as much as you want without exposing any undue horrors on the population.

Be Smart about Wearing Micro Swimsuits


When it comes to wearing micro swimsuits, men should be smart about it. There are a lot of rules that tend to come along with wearing something of this nature and you need to be aware of just what they are before prancing outside in one of these tiny suits. For one thing, you will find that there are more beaches that refuse to allow this type of swimwear to be worn by the visitors than there are those that do allow it. Obviously, clothing optional beaches don’t care what sort of swimsuit you wear because these are the places that are perfectly fine with their visitors wearing nothing at all. So rule number one is to check the beach that you are intending to visit to see if there is a code of some sort.

Next, a man wearing micro swimsuits needs to have a certain body type. This should be something that is obvious to everyone, but you would be amazed at the number of obese and completely out of shape guys that somehow have a very different visual of themselves in their heads. These are the men that waddle onto the beach in a micro that no one can even see because it is all covered up with flab. It is astounding that these men could even find a micro in their size. Of course most of these men simply squeeze as much ass and belly into the suits as possible and go on their merry way. Therefore, rule number two is to make sure that you have done some body sculpting before you expose yourself to the public at large.


Finally, before you decide to start wearing men’s micro swimsuits, be sure that you have done the needed amount of manscaping to your body. The next most disgusting thing that people do not want to see besides a lot of naked flab bouncing around is a fur garden growing from each side of the swimsuit crotch. Now you don’t have to get your chest and underarms waxed. But please think of those people on the beach before you ignore the fact that you might just have a raccoon look going on at your crotch. Shave the hair that is unsightly and give the public a break. If you can remember all of these simple rules, your micro experience should be a very positive one.

Micro Swimsuits for Confident Men


If you are familiar what micro swimsuits actually are, then you probably understand that only the most confident of men can successfully wear them. The men that you will see strutting along the water’s edge at the beach in these swimsuits are most likely in top physical shape and have invested in some sort of hair removal system. In short, they are the men that you want to see wearing this sort of swimwear, and are perfect specimens for something of this nature. With their muscled bodies oiled and gleaming in the sun, it is hard to resist these sexy, confident men.


No models today just me in a micro swimsuit

New styles 2013 013

Men with the confidence to wear micro swimsuits understand what it means to keep themselves fit and trim. They are very self-aware and want others to appreciate the hard work that they have put into keeping bodies that both men and women want to touch. Many of them do not want to stop at merely touching. They want to go so much further with these men. That is one of the many advantages of wearing micros. Not very much is hidden and it is, more or less, pretty clear what these men have to offer. That is another reason that confident men proudly sport micros. These guys know that they are hot and they know just how they are making other people feel. It is something that they love.

Micro swimsuits should not really be worn by men who are out of shape; do not understand good grooming habits, or who are painfully shy. That is what is so sad about that last group. Many men who are that shy might also have decent bodies that would look great in micros. They just do not have the courage to appear in public wearing one. Occasionally, a few shy men will slip into micros and the experience will help them to gain confidence because of all the positive attention. Otherwise, it is typically the Adonis looking men that gain the most.

Micro Swimsuits for Exceptionally Endowed Men


Micro swimsuits have been gaining in popularity in recent years. More and more men all over the world are indulging in this type of swimwear. Those men that already resemble Greek gods have been appearing in public for a very long time while wearing these tiny swimsuits. They know that they look awesome and they are happy to share their awesomeness with the world. Other men that need some body work tend to shy away from something so small, opting instead, for more ordinary types of swimsuits such as briefs or trunk styles.

Then there are those men who carry around exceptionally impressive packages. They have been hesitant to slip into micro swimsuits because they are nervous about their manhood escaping from the undersized crotch. In all honesty, this actually might be a viable concern for some men. Certainly when you think back to such men as the late porn actor John Holmes, you can probably see where this would have been a problem for him. Then, again, not many men are as large as John was so this is not a universal issue. Today, however, even men with larger than ordinary penises are able to wear these ultra-small swimsuits.

The reason that men of all shapes and sizes can now wear micro swimsuits is because the designers of today have become more aware of how to fashion one of these marvelously seductive swimsuits in sizes that will accommodate any man, no matter what size his penis may be. When you take the time to search on websites that cater to mens swimwear, you will find just how varied the styles and designs are. You will most likely agree that these swimsuits are not your grandfather’s. Men of today are meant to be sexy and encouraging as in showing off as much bare body as possible. That is the beauty of the micros. They can accomplish everything at once.